Automate the categorization of your ticket data
CrushBank allows technical support organizations to finally deliver true strategic direction to their customers by turning all of the fractured experiences in their systems into intellectual property and functioning advice.
Bring everything into one view
The CrushBank AI starts by ingesting entire interactive data set (tickets, time entries and more). Next, it goes through a process of enrichment where it analyzes then classifies each datapoint by key concept (root cause) and by customer and engineering sentiment (client satisfaction). In a matter of seconds, it can create functional reports to drive internal decision making.
Universal API
CrushBank's Universal API allows seamless integration with any system, enabling businesses to connect their existing systems to CrushBank’s secure data lake and AI-driven features, providing consistent and actionable insights across all integrated tools and workflows.
Honor Access Permissions
CrushBank honors permissions by adhering to the security and access controls set within the original systems from which the data is ingested. This means that users can only access information they are authorized to see, maintaining strict compliance with existing organizational policies.