Use your own data to
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AI models and
data classifications
CrushBank's ticket automations streamline IT support by categorizing tickets accurately with SmartClassifier, predicting resolution time through automated budgeting, prioritizing issues based on urgency and clients, and summarizing ticket issues and resolutions.

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Download The Solutions Brief - CrushBank Automations
Automates the ticket classification process using advanced machine learning built on your tickets and practices. By analyzing incoming tickets and leveraging your historical data, it accurately categorizes tickets based on your organization's unique classifications.
Assesses and assigns priority levels to incoming tickets by evaluating client urgency, issue complexity, and overall business impact. Utilizing your historical ticket data, it ensures your team efficiently addresses the most critical issues first.
Generates accurate time estimates for ticket resolutions based on analysis of similar historical tickets. By removing guesswork from time estimation, it allows for more precise planning, resource allocation, and improved workflow management.
Creates clear and concise summaries for both initial ticket issues and their final resolutions. By condensing detailed information into easily digestible summaries, technicians can quickly understand ticket context and documentation efforts are minimized.